Stephen J. Tinney

Headshot Of Stephen J. Tinney

Clark Research Associate Professor of Assyriology (Sumerian)Deputy Director, PENN Museum

230 PENN Museum

Stephen J. Tinney is Clark Research Associate Professor of Assyriology, Associate Curator of the Babylonian Section of the Penn Museum, and director of the Pennsylvania Sumerian Dictionary Project. He holds a BA in Assyriology from Cambridge University, England, and a PhD in Assyriology from the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. His research interests include all aspects of Sumerian language, literature, and culture. Much of his current work is devoted to developing and publishing Sumerian texts and analyzing and presenting the Sumerian language. This work is primarily focused on the creation of two major projects, the online Pennsylvania Sumerian Dictionary (ePSD), a project he began work on when he joined Penn in 1991 as a postdoctoral research assistant and which he now directs, and the Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative based at UCLA.